In Every Case

Always give us an Rx form that is filled out in its entirety (paper or digital)

Examples of useful information to help mitigate the chances of a remake include:

  • Patient Demographics (gender and age)
  • Patient habits such as Bruxir or TMJ
  • Notes about discussed patient and doctor goals
  • Information about the bite such as class I, II, III
  • Future treatment plans like extraction, implants, crowns, or bridges.
  • Pre-op scans or impressions, facebow, bite registers, and wax-ups as relevant

With Digital cases, the various scanning companies each have their own format for creating a digital Rx. However, we are not in control of the format presented to doctors and this can create confusion and contradiction. For digital cases please send us an email of our Rx filled and signed.

Digital Cases

  • Full mouth scan, every time! There is no cost difference for 3D printed model work or design if you send us a full arch scan vs. a quadrant scan. A full arch scan has built in redundancies to assure more accurate data on a patient’s bite, form, and function and only takes a few seconds more than a quadrant scan. Bottom line, we can provide better results with fewer adjustments using a full mouth scan.
  • Pre-op scans are especially useful when mimicking teeth fitted to devices like night guards and aligners. With partial cases, pre-op scans enable us to duplicate a previous rest and clasp areas of the tooth perfectly. Meaning, a patient does not have to go without their partial.
  • Sometimes deep margins can only be captured with an impression. In regard to the margin if you can’t see it, neither can we.

Crown, Bridge, and Implant Cases

  • Traditional impression or scan (No aluminum trays, they are easily distorted) Triple trays are fine but do not replace a separate bite register
  • Impression or scan; Pre-op model, impression, or scan; Bite register or scan
  • For implants, indicate type, size, and brand of each implant
  • Detail the expressed goals of Doctor and Patient
  • Pictures:

Complex and Aesthetic Cases

  • Full Arch Impression or scan (NO triple trays or aluminum trays)
  • Stick bite or face bow (We prefer the Kois face bow system / Panadent)
  • Bite register or bite scan
  • Pre-op model, impression, or scan
  • For implants, indicate type, size, and brand of each implant
  • Detail the expressed goals of Doctor and Patient
  • Pictures:
  • For surgical planning please reach out to us and ask for John for instruction or information.
  • For a complete walkthrough on what to expect when doing a complex case with McTech Dental Lab, including guides on temporization and reduction, Click Here.

Remake and Adjustment Procedure

We ask that you follow our Remake and Adjustment procedure WITH EVERY CASE BEFORE SEATING.

  • Before every seating, we ask that you place the crown on the provided model work and die and assess it for the following:
    • Inter-proximal Fit
    • Marginal integrity
    • Occlusal contacts
    • Line of draw
  • If an issue is found, please contact McTech first rather than simply sending it back. Remakes never incur a shipping charge, regardless of fault.
  • If the crown fits correctly on the model work but not in the mouth, it is especially important to take a new impression or scan, (full arch, opposing, and bite).
  • If shade needs to be adjusted, take a photo with the crown in place, this is very valuable for comparison.
  • Lastly, please return all materials and information. This includes all model work, implant parts, restoration, impressions, bite reg, facebow, notes, pictures etc. It is vastly important to us that we receive all previous materials back, as we like to investigate every remake and adjustment so that we can find our mistakes and improve.
  • The assessment of fees or lack thereof are handled on a case-by-case basis. The only thing worse than a remake or adjustment is another remake or adjustment of a remake or adjustment, this procedure is not about deciding who to blame. We, the dental team, need to learn where we can improve.